Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sell your not-so-favorite products!

Hola chicas. Gone are the days that you would want to kick yourself for buying products that don't work. Now, you can sell your gently used natural hair products on the website  You will need to set up a paypal account to get your money from any purchaser. To avoid a fee, ask your customers to indicate that it is a gift. I just learned about this site. I plan to go to my natural hair vault (or what my husband calls my personal beauty supply store) to sell those must-haves that turned out to be duds.

You can also swap products on the forum page on the following website:  Just go to the link for curly hair product swap. No need to have a paypal account. 

I have been giving away my no-so-favorite products. Now, I can make money off of them or get what my hair likes from swapping. You know what they say: one man's trash is another man's treasure.

What are you doing with products that don't work for your hair?

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Product Giveaway!!!!

Hola chicas! It is time for yet another product giveaway. This time Tiffany's Natural Treats is giving away Tropic Isle Living Strong Roots.  Strong Roots promotes growth with top ingredients such as Jamaican black castor oil and pimento oil. To win go the link on the right (for Tiffany's Natural Treats) and post a tip for repairing high porosity hair.  The winner will be announced on September 21st. This contest is open to residents of Canada.

Feel free to like the page. Good luck!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Homemade flaxseed gel - the buzz

Ok, making homemade flaxseed gel is not new, but I recently made a batch over Labor Day weekend for the first time. OMG! #loveit! I went to my local health food store and picked up a bag of flaxseed (linseed). I used a quarter cup of flaxseed and 2 cups of purified water. I added both to a pot and waited for it to boil. Once it started to boil, I began to stir the mixture so the seeds would not stick to the pot. When it reached a slightly thick consistency, I removed it from the stove. In retrospect, I should have removed it sooner because it seems like the blob after I strained and cooled it. I was concerned about hold but it dries with a nice hold. It feels softer the second day.  I was left with the best darn curl definition for a wash n go since I started my journey.  It is easy peasy to make and super cheap because you can re-use the seeds.

Here is a video of how to make it from youtube and my results:

Have you made flaxseed gel?


I forgot to mention that you should keep the flaxseed gel in the refrigerator so it does not go rancid unless you have a preservative like grapefruit seed extract. About six drops should be sufficient.  Enjoy!

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